Monday, March 24, 2008

Episode 12 - Produce Bob's Seasonal Picks - Week of: 03/23/08

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Another installment of Produce Bob's Seasonal Picks. This time Ray The Produce Picker and Produce Bob discuss the transition from winter fruits and veggies to spring produce.

This episode focuses on the artichoke and mango. Join us and learn something you didn't know about both of these wonderful, in season produce items.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Episode 11 - Product Demo - OXO Apple Divider

The first in a series of episodes where I demonstrate how to use fruit and vegetable related products. These products are designed to make the process of preparing fruits and veggies easier. I only present products which I have used at work or home and believe to be of the best quality.

Each product shown is available for purchase here at the blog. Simply click on the product in the featured products section located on the left sidebar. I hope you enjoy this new segment designed to introduce you to some of the interesting products that are available for fruits and vegetables.

Don't forget to send an email to for your chance to WIN the OXO apple divider featured on this episode. All you have to do is send an email telling me which apple you like best and perhaps why. Thanks for watching!